Das sind die Referenten des Webinars “Alte Räume, neue Aktionen“ am 27. September

Kostenfreie Teilnahme, Anmeldung erforderlich

Sichern Sie sich jetzt Ihren Platz am kostenfreien Livestream-Webinar, das dem Thema "Alte Räume, neue Aktionen" gewidmet ist. In Zusammenarbeit mit Tverga organisiert IAKS Nordic am 27. September dieses Webinar, das Lösungsvorschläge anbietet, wie alte Gebäude in nachhaltige Sportanlagen umgewandelt werden können. 

Warum sollten wir neue Standard-Sportanlagen bauen, wenn wir alte Gebäude umfunktionieren können, um unseren CO2-Fußabdruck zu reduzieren, die Ziele des Pariser Abkommens zu erfüllen und neue Trends in Sport und Kultur zu realisieren?

Der Bau neuer Einrichtungen ist oft mit hohen Kosten verbunden, nicht nur in finanzieller Hinsicht, sondern auch in Bezug auf die CO2-Emissionen. Während in Norwegen weiterhin neue Kultur- und Sportgebäude entstehen, wird zunehmend Wert auf die Wiederverwendung bestehender Strukturen und Materialien als Strategie zur Bekämpfung des Klimawandels gelegt.

Wie können wir in alten Gebäuden lebendige Sportangebote schaffen? Von welchen erfolgreichen Beispielen können wir lernen, sowohl in Norwegen als auch überregional in Skandinavien?

Melden Sie sich jetzt zum  IAKS Webinar "Umwandlung und Sanierung " im September an, und erkunden Sie diese und weitere Themen.

Komplettes Programm (in englischer Sprache)

Datum: Freitag, 27. September 2024

Zeit: 9:00 – 11:00 Uhr (GMT+2) 

Livestream Webinar

Sprache: Englisch


Jetzt anmelden 

Panellists_webinar 27 Sept 2024.png
Lisa Mar Watson

Lisa Mari Watson

Lisa Mari Watson

Lisa Mari Watson is the Managing Director of Tverga, Norway’s resource center for self-organized sports and physical activity.

With over a decade in the sports industry, Lisa is passionate about driving change by fostering greater inclusion and advancing better, more sustainable facilities for both people and the planet.

Mie Fugleseth

Mie Fuglseth

Mie Fuglseth

Senior Advisor on climate and material, Green Building Alliance Norway.

Mie Fuglseth is a civil engineer from NTNU with specialized expertise in LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) and greenhouse gas calculations. She has a background as a consultant in construction and building projects and has worked extensively on assessing the potential to reduce the construction industry’s carbon footprint through renovation and climate-friendly material choices.

Knut Forsberg

Kurt Forsberg

Kurt Forsberg

Manager Department of Sports, Bergen municipality

Kurt Forsberg works as a Manager for the department of sports in Bergen municipality. This is a department dedicated to working with public health and facilitation for activities for self-organized groups.

Oliver Vanges

Oliver Vanges

Oliver Vanges

Development Consultant, The Danish Foundation for Culture and Sports Facilities

Oliver Vanges is trained in sports science and has spent the last 15 years working as a development consultant at The Danish Foundation for Culture and Sports Facilities, where he has been involved in the development of innovative recreational facilities. Oliver has also worked more broadly with sustainability in construction and strategic planning

Kristin Baraut

Kristin Braut

Kristin Braut

Architect, M.arch. Head of transformation Rodeo Architects

Kristin Braut received her Masters degree from the Oslo School of Architecture and Design in 2006. She joined Rodeo in early 2020 after many years of experience from several offices in Oslo. Through her professional experience as an architect and project manager she has developed and completed projects of various scales and complexities. She has developed a strong commitment to social and environmental sustainability, with a particular focus on materials.

Helene Egeland

Helene Egeland

Helene Egeland

Section climate and environment at the​ Agency for planning and building services, City of Oslo

Helene Egeland has worked at the Planning and Building Agency (PBE) for more than ten years, and most of her tasks there have focused on ensuring that PBE supports Oslo’s ambitious climate goals. During her time at PBE, she has also been part of the FutureBuilt team.

Jan Yoshiyuki Tanaka

Jan Yoshiyuki Tanaka

Jan Yoshiyuki Tanaka

Partner and co-founder at JAJA Architects

Jan and JAJA are behind numerous internationally recognized urban sports facilities such as Konditaget Lüders, Harboøre Activity Hall, and Streetmekka Aalborg. Driven by a core belief in fostering play and movement, JAJA is dedicated to creating climate-responsible cities, buildings, and urban spaces that inspire active and engaging lifestyles. Streetmekka Aalborg exemplifies their approach, transforming a 1963 production building into a vibrant sports and culture center, recycling the building materials and furniture, and preserving the neighbourhood’s industrial heritage.

Anna Hassel

Anna Hassel

Anna Hassel

Architect, The Danish Foundation for Culture and Sports Facilities

Anna Hassel is a trained architect from KADK in Copenhagen and has worked both as a teacher and in private practice. Since 2014, she has been working for The Danish Foundation for Culture and Sports Facilities, where she primarily develops cultural projects from a sustainable design perspective.